Hiking the Appalachian Trail gives me and Susanna the perfect opportunity to talk about our very close and amazing friends Josh and Maxine. They are both creative talented minds working on a film dealing with the consequence of deforestation, specifically how it affects the acoustic guitar, an instrument we all know and love! The film is called Musicwood and they have been working on it since 2008. 

Now they have launched a Kickstarter fundraising project to try and raise funds for the film. There's an intro video and an explanation of the film with trailer and behind-the-scenes pics...check it out over at Kickstarter:

Kickstarter is a community-based fundraising tool, so even if you don't feel like donating, you could really help the cause by going over to the Musicwood facebook page and hitting "like", or emailing the link to other folks you think might be interested (like I'm doing!), or posting it on your facebook status...

They've raised $5,000 in the first week (amazing!) but Kickstarter is all-or-nothing, so they have to make the 20K by June 24 or the project does not get funded...

Susanna and I can't help but think of their efforts while we are hiking the trail and we are happy to help in any way possible. Please check out their page and do what you can to support the cause. Every bit helps. They are 2 very important friends and now we can all help them help music. 

Again, the Kickstarter link is:

Thanks everyone!

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